Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Ben!!

The 26th was Ben's 30th birthday!! My parents came over on Saturday afternoon and spent the night at the house with Julie while Ben and I spent the night out celebrating his birthday. It was a great time for the two of us to have together and Julie had a blast with her grandparents. They did some shopping with her and got her a stroller and diaper bag for her baby doll. She loves it!! Here are a few pictures of her with her grandparents and baby stroller. Also one of Julie and her Papaw playing in the living room fort. We are so grateful that my parents came over to watch Julie for us so we could have some time out for just the two of us. We really appreciate it!


hockeygirl said...

Yay for some new posts FINALLY! Cute pictures all around.

laura said...

I wish I could tell you how much i love the picture of your dad under the coffee table. Now that is one amazing grandfather!

Jay and Victoria said...

Make sure you tell Ben welcome to the 30 club for me...this is embarassing, but I just found your blog! I've been cleaning out some e-mails recently...