Sunday, December 5, 2010

And we're back!!

Let's see, what all has happened since my last post.....Julie turned 3 in March... We moved from Memphis, TN to Benton, AR in May... Ben started his new job in May, then quit that job and started his new new job in October.... We had a summer full of swimming, trips to the zoo and park, and my sister April's wedding.... We made our Thanksgiving trip to Texas to visit with family... Aaron turned 1 in October... Julie started gymnastics and day school this fall.... And I think that about covers it!! We are really enjoying being back in Benton with family and it is working out really well so far. Here are a few recent pictures of the kiddos, some are from late summer, some from a trip to the pumpkin patch, some from Halloween.... just a sampling for all of our friends and family!!


Amy Johnson said...

Wow, sorry to say, I hardly recognized Aaron! He's gotten so big. Julie is a doll that's for sure. I look forward to getting caught up in January! - Amy

hockeygirl said...

So glad you posted! I didn't know Ben had left that job and started a new one. We really do need to catch up! Julie's hair is getting so long - very cute!!